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People Picking Cranberries in Pemberton, New Jersey, September 1910

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People Picking Cranberries in Pemberton, New Jersey, September 1910
Courtesy of Library of Congress, Hine, Lewis Wickes, "Jim Waldine, 1023 Carpenter St., Philadelphia...," September 1910


This photograph shows some children picking cranberries in Pemberton, New Jersey. The young boy in the middle, Jim Waldine of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, was just 6 years old and had been picking cranberries two years. Another boy, Sam Frohue, 9, had also been picking for two years, and he could not spell his own name. This photo was taken during the fourth week of school in Philadelphia and people would continue to work for another two weeks. Children as young as three years old worked during the cranberry picking season in September and October, helping their families with farm chores. 

Source-Dependent Questions

  • Look closely at the photo. What do you notice about the people?
  • The boy facing the camera is Jim Waldine. He was six years old when this photo was taken and he had already picked cranberries for two years. Why would families enlist their young children to work?
  • This photo was taken during the fourth week of school and the picking season would continue for another two weeks. Why would families have their children work rather than going to school?

Citation Information 

Hine, Lewis Wickes, "Jim Waldine, 1023 Carpenter St., Philadelphia...," September 1910. Courtesy of Library of Congress