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Act of Congress to Define Iowa's State Boundaries, August 4, 1845

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Courtesy of Library of Congress, "An Act to define the Boundaries of the State of Iowa," U.S. Congress, 4 August 1845


This law was passed in August 1846 in response to the dispute over the border between the State of Missouri and the State of Iowa. The Act referred the matter to the U.S. Supreme Court as the final arbiter in the conflict.  

Full Transcript of an Act of Congress to Define Iowa's State Boundaries

Transcribed Excerpts from an Act of Congress to Define Iowa's State Boundaries

Source-Dependent Questions

  • According to this document in Section 1, upon what should the southern border of Iowa be based?
  • What authority does Section 2 give to the U.S. Supreme Court in regard to the border between Iowa and Missouri?

Citation Information 

"An Act to define the Boundaries of the State of Iowa," U.S. Congress, 4 August 1845. Courtesy of Library of Congress