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Telegram from Gerhart Riegner to S.S. Silverman about Jewish Extermination in Concentration Camps, August 10, 1942

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Telegram from Mr Gerhart Riegner to Mr S S Silverman, both of the World Jewish Congress, regarding rumours of the extermination of Jews in Concentration Camps
Courtesy of The National Archives (United Kingdom),Riegner, Gerhart, "Riegner Telegram," 10 August 1942


This telegram, stored in the United Kingdom's National Archives, is from Gerhart Riegner to S.S. Silverman, both members of the World Jewish Congress. The focus of the telegram is about rumors that the Nazis are rounding up and deporting millions of Jewish people to exterminate in concentration camps.


Transcript of a Telegram from Gerhart Riegner to S.S. Silverman about Jewish Extermination in Concentration Camps

Source-Dependent Questions

  • When was this document created? Describe the plan that has been discussed?
  • How many Jews does the document estimate will be exterminated? What are some of the specific methods of execution being discussed?
  • This telegram was sent between two members of the World Jewish Congress. This organization advocates on behalf of Jews across the world. Why would it be important for the World Jewish Congress to know about what was being planned?

Citation Information 

Riegner, Gerhart, "Riegner Telegram," 10 August 1942. Courtesy of The National Archives (United Kingdom)